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Our Clients

So much of the focus in the home remodeling industry lies in choosing a contractor, finding the right renovation team to make your vision a reality.

We’re all for that; in fact, we have a blog post about that very topic: What You Need to Know About Choosing a Contractor.

But what we’ve learned through more than a decade in the business is that it’s about finding a mutual fit. It’s about feeling confident in your choice of contractor long before the build begins.

We thought it might be fun to create a playful list of the personal qualities our clients share. If any of these sound like you, maybe we’re a good match!

Sound Familiar?

~ You want your new kitchen to make you feel “as though you’re making breakfast on vacation in Paris!” (That’s a quote from a satisfied client.)

~ You have a full, bustling household, which is a diplomatic way of saying that things get chaotic sometimes!

~ You’re fairly relaxed; otherwise, how would you stay sane in your house? However, you’re also able to hone in on the details. (See next point.)

~ You’re detail-oriented. It matters to you that your vanity light and your mirror are centered properly, and you want a team who will pay attention to the small touches you see every single day.

~ You’re not into cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all solutions. From taking your height into account to changing a kids’ playroom into a grown-up bar and lounge, you know that personalization matters.

~ It’s important to you to work with someone who is courteous, respectful, and kind, a person you like and trust.

~ You enjoy real conversation over a cuppa or a good pint. (One of our favorite expressions is, “Life’s too short to drink cheap beer.”)

~ You’re interested in forming a long-term relationship with your contractor, completing work that needs doing now and also planning for future projects.

~ You want to create a home you’ll LOVE living in.

Does This Sound Like You?

If so, we’d love to discuss your project. Send us an email today. We’re proud to serve homeowners in Bergen County New Jersey, Hudson County New Jersey, Essex County New Jersey, and Rockland County New York.

New Jersey HIC #13VH13108000

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